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Skin Freaks Stories: Skincare Progress and Wisdom
“Advice to my younger self? To try and have more confidence in myself, even with acne.”
Skin + Me Subscriber and Skin Freak, Daisy
- Six months ago, skincare guru and Skin + Me fan, Caroline Hirons gave a shoutout to Skin + Me’s personalised skincare
- Many of Caroline’s loyal following (affectionately known as the Skin Freaks) started on a journey to reach their skin goals
- Discover their personal progress, from tackling acne to fine lines and more
Back at the start of this year, we teamed up with skincare guru and Skin + Me fan, Caroline Hirons to shout from the rooftops about our Daily Doser treatment. Many of her loyal following (affectionately known as the Skin Freaks) with skin goals of their own, started on their personalised skincare journeys, and discovered our supportive full routine as a result.
Now six months – and a whole lot of positive noise – later, we’re shining a light on four of them who’ve seen transformative results by sticking to our simple routine.
From soothing acne to boosting skin texture and more, commitment to a personalised, simplified routine has delivered visible results, and lots more confidence.
Read on for their skincare learnings and inspiring stories. See their videos @skinandmeHQ.
Name: Sarah
Home Town: Cardiff
Skin Goals: Pigmentation, spots and anti-ageing
Instagram: @sairprice
Sarah’s story:
Sarah was apprehensive about using a new skincare product but discovered that the last six months have been much more simple than she expected. Her evening routine gave her control to follow three easy steps without any fuss or guesswork. Sarah realised that her solution was working for her when not only did she start to see a visible difference in her skin, but other people started to notice the transformation too.
On when Sarah knew Skin + Me was right for her:
“The fact that it’s an evening routine, so I cleanse, use my solution and moisturise and not have to think about it for the rest of the night.”
One piece of advice Sarah would give to her younger self:
“To invest in skincare early on!”
Emma M.
Name: Emma
Home Town: Plymouth
Skin Goals: Acne, fine lines and texture
Instagram: @emma_a85
Emma M’s story:
Emma set out to reach multiple skin goals, from treating blemishes to improving skin texture and treating fine lines. She explains that after six months her progress has been amazing and that her skin just keeps getting better. And that’s boosted her confidence overall, “Seeing results has made me feel more confident and happy.”
On when Emma M. knew Skin + Me was the one:
“When I realised I didn’t have to use countless amounts of products, and could just use my Daily Doser. It’s so easy and I love it!”
One piece of advice Emma M. would give to her younger self:
“To double cleanse and always remove my makeup!”
Name: Daisy
Home Town: Croydon
Skin Goals: Acne
Instagram: @daisyfern
Daisy’s story:
Daisy had lived with acne for the last three years, until she started using her Daily Doser. She explains that any purging cleared up quickly. Her skin felt clearer and she felt more confident. The bonus? “I don’t feel like I have to cover-up and put loads of makeup on every time I go out.”
On when Daisy knew Skin + Me was the one:
“It’s made my skin feel so good, and it’s just a simple routine. I could feel an instant change.”
One piece of advice Daisy would give to her younger self:
“To try and have more confidence in myself, even with acne.”
“It’s made my skin feel so good, and it’s just a simple routine. I could feel an instant change.”
Emma W.
Name: Emma
Home Town: Bedfordshire
Skin Goals: Fine lines and wrinkles and acne
Instagram: @warde28
Emma W’s story:
Emma wanted to find a way to slow the development of wrinkles, stop acne flare-ups and the associated scarring that can follow. She lived with purging but after three weeks it settled. Her skin began to look clear and healthier, and she began to feel much more confident. She explains, “I don’t fear people seeing me without makeup anymore and I’m no longer carrying around concealer with me everywhere, just in case!”
On when Emma W. knew Skin + Me was the one: “When other people started to comment on my skin! How great it was looking and how clear it was.”
One piece of advice Emma W. would give to her younger self: “Wear SPF every day, I had no idea how important this was!”
New to Skin + Me? Click here to start your healthier, happier skin consultation.
Discover the full three-step routine. Skin + Me Cleanser and Moisturisers to suit your skin type.
On your Skin + Me journey? Learn more about our Invite a Friend Charity initiative here.